Arranging the perfect party can feel overwhelming. Use our checklist below to guide you.
- Choose a date
Decide on the best date that will work for you and your important guests. Don’t forget to check if there are any national holidays taking place. They could impact on transportation options for your guests, plus public holidays are popular times to get away.
- Work out your budget.
How much do you want to spend? Include venue costs, catering, drinks and any decorations in your budget.
- Choose your venue
When deciding on the location, consider accessibility for your guests. If you have non-drivers attending, are there public transport links and is there accommodation close by for those wishing to stay over?
- Create your Exaactly® digital locker and address
Create an Exaactly® digital locker and link it to an Exaactly® address, such as ‘party@@your name’. Once your address is created you can start to upload details of the venue location, directions and hotel options nearby. You can keep the contents of your locker private or share the address with others, so they can see the party details too.
- Decide who’s coming
Choose your guest list and send out invitations, along with details of your Exaactly® address. Ask for any dietary or accessibility requirements too.
- Decide on a theme – if any
Popular party themes include roaring 20s, rock and roll 50s, Harry Potter, James Bond, disco, casino evenings and karaoke – plus tons more options!
- Get quotes for catering and drinks
You will want to cater for different dietary requirements, such as gluten free, dairy free and vegan. You’ll also want to ensure that drivers have non-alcoholic drinks available. Once your menu is decided, upload it to your digital locker so guests can see it ahead of time.
- Decide on the music
Depending on your budget you can arrange for a live band, a DJ or make a music playlist on your iPod.
- Book a photographer
Capture special moments by booking a professional photographer or ask a friend who is handy with a camera to take photos for you.
- Decorate the venue
Add your personal touch to the venue with some decorations. If you’ve chosen a theme your decorations can complement this.
All that is left to do now is for you to enjoy your special event!